Pit 104: Level 3
Completed on January 6, 2019, by Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. The artifact counts increased in level 3. Once again, for this area, we found another small deposit of charcoal. We also found a round 7cm diameter archaeological feature which could either be a post hole or the remnant of a large plant root. The most interesting item was a pristine nail (no rust.) This is in sharp contrast to the other nails we find, which have severe rusting. In the almost 2000 nails we have found from Granby, this is only the third pristine one. One theory is that the making of the nails left oil on the nail, which was usually removed when the nail was driven into wood. Maybe these few nails were dropped and lost before they were put into use. Pit 104 proved to be similar to adjacent pits in this non-hot-zone area but was still worthwhile because it provided a couple of unique items. There is still a lot of work which could be done in this area.
Pit 104: Level 3 produced: Granby period: Eight kitchen pottery, nine kitchen glass, 14 imported English window glass, six nails. one iron piece, 15 charcoal, and archaeological feature (post hole.)
Below: Archaeological feature