Pit 108: Level 2

Completed by David Brinkman on June 14, 2020. ABout halfway into level one, it was obvious a square pit could not be completed. I cut one major root of the Mulberry tree but an even larger root was encountered. I decided to extend the length of the pit by 50% and reduce the width by 33%. This would give the same area and volume as a square pit. As with so many other pits in Granby, level two artifacts were limited but still typical with a good range of Granby kitchen pottery, window glass, nails, and brick. Dealing with the roots wore me out so I did not consider taking on level three. I put a safety cover over the hole and planned to finish the job next weekend.

Pit 108: Level 2 produced: Granby period: One kitchen pottery, two kitchen glass, four window glass, five square nails, two iron pieces, five charcoal, and two slag. Native American: Two pottery.

Below: Left: Me and Sky. Call him the Sky sifter. Right: The Mulberry tree provided good shade but the roots were a problem.