Pit 112: Level 2

Completed December 5, 2020 by Josephine Bachman, Teresa Mitchell, DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. The Granby artifact count picked up, as expected, in level two. The most interesting item found was a colonial period wine glass part. A debate began as to if it was the base part of the glass or the bottom of the top bowl of the glass. Research on this proved it to be the later. You can find more about this on the level three page. Overall, level two ended with artifact totals a little lower than what we were finding in the adjacent row of hot zone pits. There was still no sign of the gas line trench. We hoped to see an archaeological feature (change is soil color) for a trench but did not.

Pit 112: Level 2 produced: 12 pieces of pottery, 11 glass, five nails, bottom of wine glass, ten charcoal, three Native American pottery. Artifacts picked up in level three.