Pit 119: Level 3

Completed on March 21, 2021 by Stephany North, Kim Masters, Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. Level three continued to be strong with Granby artifacts. A small green bottle piece went mostly unnoticed until cleaning where we discovered it had part of a maker's seal on it. This is the first bottle seal piece we have found in the dig. It may well be from the 1800 bottle bottom we found in level two. Those were two great finds for a pit. The pit overall, however, had lower than expected artifact numbers but this was probably because 30% of the pit was tree roots. The job would have been very difficult had it not been for an electric root saw.

Pit 119: Level 3 produced: 18 pieces of pottery, one slate, 12 Native American, four slag, 24 glass, 11 nails, 16 charcoal, and seven iron.