Pit 120: Level 3

Completed on March 27, 2021, by Alexander and Kyle Markey, Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. Level three continued providing the same great results as the first two levels. Alexander had a blast sifting and finding artifacts as well as playing in the excavated dirt piles. His work gave us more colorful 18th-century pottery and stoneware, including a green shell-edge piece and another rare porcelain piece. Also rare is that we found another musket ball (a .25 caliber shot like that found in level two.) Once again, more rough green wine bottle glass was, likely, part of the 1750 Fort Congaree II bottle. Yet another rare thing in the Granby dig, level three had a modern day disturbance. The trench for the 1960s gas line produced an obvious archaelogical feature at the bottom of level three. The winter of 2020-2021 has been our busiest in the Granby dig, which began nine years ago. In total, Pit 120 was the best pit of the winter. Its high numbers of artifacts and diversity of artifact categories give it a high APR (Artifact Power Rating), which ranks it the 19th best pit of the Granby dig.

Pit 120: Level 3 produced: 15 pieces of pottery, one .25 cal musket shot, one porcelain, one bone, 12 Native American, 17 glass, 4 nails, 13 charcoal, and seven iron.