Pit 121: Level 3

Completed on April 4, 2021 by Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. Level three did not provide artifacts, but we continued to carefully follow the two wood building features found at the bottom of level two. These continued well into a depth where we find only Granby and Thomas Brown items. At about 50cms, these wood features faded away, but a prominent new feature appeared, which was familiar. Back in 2014, through archaeology, we found and proved the location of Fort Congaree II. This was just 100-feet south of the Granby dig. In an area just inside the Fort's palisade wall, we found strange light-brown circular patterns that appeared to be stains, maybe caused by standing water on a past ground surface. The theory, at the time (from professional archaeologists), was that this had been a human compacted dirt floor that was stained, probably from water draining away after a flood. We were left with asking the question, could this have been the inside floor of a burned slave's quarter? One pit is not enough to answer a question like this, so we will continue to dig more pits in the areas of the 1939 dark spot.

Pit 121: Level 3 produced: A continuation of wood building features and additional new features.