Pit 126: Level 3

Completed on May 22, 2021, by Gary and Sue Kelly, Kim Masters, Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. The artifacts dropped off some from level two but still a good number of Granby items. As we expected, the distubed area gave us many modern day items (gravel and asphalt.)

Pit 126: Level 3 produced: 11 kitchen pottery, 1 stoneware, 2 kitchen glass, 7 window glass, 3 nails, 7 Native American, 5 charcoal, 6 iron, 1 slate, 13 slag, and 1 other activity.

In total Pit 126 (all levels) produced: 27 kitchen pottery, 5 stoneware, 17 kitchen glass, 24 window glass, 13 nails, 2 pipe, 3 coins, 64 activity, and 21 Native American.

Out of all the pits in the Granby dig, this pit ranked: 69