Pit 139: Level 3

Completed on Feb 3, 2021 by Sue and Bill Sexton, Alma Robichaud, Josephine Bachman, Alicia Ballagh, Jim and Janet Smith (and children), Odess and David Brinkman. Level three, as usual, saw an increase in the Granby period artifacts but it also gave us something a little older than Granby. David did not think a lot about rectangular iron object that fell out of the side of one wall. Not until artifact cleaning did he notice that the object was a four-sided truncated pyramid which was the common shape for a scale weight. A quick mesurement showed it was the exact weight of two eight-Escudo gold coins. These Spanish coins would have been the common gold coins accepted by area Indian traders during the time of Thomas Brown. Pit 72 (in the heart of the area of Thomas Brown artifacts and cabin features) we found a four-Escudo weight with a Jerusalem Cross seal on it. This is yet another significant find that adds evidence that our Granby dig site is also on top of Thomas Brown's 1735-1747 trading post. Alma also found a four-inch square nail/spike which would soon be cleaned/preserved and added to our Granby nail display.

Pit 139: Level 3 produced:

Below are the two big finds of Pit 139. The Native American chert piece and the 16 Escudo weight.

Below is the Thomas Brown Escudo weight museum display with our new find added to it.