Pit 142: Level 2

Completed on Mar 5, 2022 by Odess and David Brinkman. Level two was tough with the roots taking up a large area of the level. Never-the-less, we still found a good number of items including another piece of the Turlington Basalm bottle. This piece has a unique characteristic that archaeologists have noticed over the years. The glass of these bottles tends to have a chemical reaction when left in the soil over many years which gives the glass a rainbow color. The reaction is caused by the interaction of the patina and the chemicals used in creating opalescent glass. This unique and rare effect leaves little doubt that the glass pieces of level one and two are, in fact, from a Turlington Basalm bottle.

Pit 142: Level 2 produced:

Below is the Turlington Basalm bottle piece showing the coloring effect that occurred from being buried in the ground for hundreds of years.