Pit 145: Level 3 and 4
Completed on June 25, 2022 by Kim Masters, Jessy and her daughter, Odess and David Brinkman. Level three was more proof of the deep disturbance from the 1980s storm drain construction. We found nice Granby period pieces (and older) and a vast amount of modern brick. The bottom of level three had random archaeological features of the disturbance. We continued with a fourth level, where we finally broke away from the modern items. All of the Granby (and older) artifacts were found in the dark patches of this soil.
Pit 145: Level 3 and 4 produced: eight pottery, three kitchen glass, 27 window glass, five nails, one pipe, one clay, eight charcoal, and four Native American pieces.
Below are features at the bottom of level 3.

Below are features at the just two centimeters into level 4.