Pit 146: Level 2
Completed by Kim Masters, Alma Robichaud, Odess and David Brinkman. Level two gave us some unique finds. A large piece of stoneware was found, a type we had not seen before. It may have been part of a handle on a jar. It has a thumbprint where the wet clay handle was pressed against the main body of the jar. The other unique items found were two long pieces of iron with sharp points. One piece was actually two pieces forged together. Initially, these iron pieces were thought to be modern, but closer examination shows the ends are squared off, just like the old square nails. The forged combination and curved shape make these look a lot like colonial-period meat hooks. This finding is significant because it may mean that the main Granby site also had a smokehouse. It was possibly located in the middle of today's Brookcliff Rd.
Pit 146: Level 2 produced: Five pottery, one stoneware, one kitchen glass, ten window glass, three nails, nine iron, one charcoal, and three Native American pieces.
Below is a souvenir item from Colonial Williamsburg of a kitchen and smokehouse. Was this spot in Granby part of the same combination?

Below is a typical period plan for a smokehouse from Colonial Williamsburg.