Pit 18: Level 3

Completed Sept 20, 2012 by Jeremy and Odess Brinkman (David came at the end and helped fill the pit). Level 3 was a surprise after having little in the way of pottery in level 2. 22 pieces of pottery including the longest pipe stem fragment that we have found in the dig. There were also some really nice blue colors in a few pieces of the pottery and one pottery type we have not seen before. These along with lots of glass and a good amount of brick made pit #18 a pretty good pit. The increase in artifacts between levels 2 and 3 also shows that this area is becoming deeper. Odess took level 3 to 58cm (10 cm lower than we have been going in other pits.) It might be good to do a pit just South of pit 18 to see what's happening there. The results for all levels of pit 18 were: 33 pieces of pottery, 63 pieces of glass, 14 nails, and 2 pipe pieces.

Pit 18: Level 3 produced: 22 pieces of pottery, 44 pieces of glass, 8 nails, and a pipe stem.