Pit 26: Level 3

Completed October 27, 2012 by DC Locke, David and Odess Brinkman. Just as level 2 went back to the usual high artifact count, level 3 dropped back to a more average number. We still had some nice finds with a piece of Indian pottery and 3 pieces of chert, and another pipe bowl fragment. The overall numbers for pit 26 were: 47 pieces of pottery, 60 pieces of glass, 18 nails, and a record breaking 6 pieces of Native American artifacts. This puts pit 26 in the top 5 of the best pits.

Pit 26: Level 3 produced: 12 pieces of pottery, 16 pieces of glass, and 5 nails.

Below is a photo showing a distinct charcoal layer in level 3 at about 38cm.