Pit 62: Level 2
Completed on March 9, 2014 by DC Locke, Dean Hunt, and David Brinkman. Level 2 continued to provide lots of artifacts and then seemed to die out but picked up again at the bottom of the level. This, again, looks like 2 layers of artifacts with level 1 and the top of level 2 being artifacts pushed onto the yard from the 1960 road construction. Within just a few minutes, we found 3 pipe stems and a large top portion of a green bottle. Measurements between the two lips of the bottle, the diameter of the neck, and the length between the bottom lip and where the shoulder begins, show that this is an 1800 bottle. The level also gave us several Native American pottery pieces and a large piece of chert. 7 pipe pieces in this level puts us within 1 of the record. Overall, level 2 was another really good level. We felt like pit 62 could be a new top pit if this recovery rate continued through level 3.
Pit 62: Level 2 produced: 23 pieces of pottery, 28 pieces of glass including a large top of an 1800 bottle, 7 nails, 3 Native American pieces, and 7 pipe pieces including 3 pipe stems.
Below: Comparing measurements between the two lips of the bottle, the diameter of the neck, and the length between the bottom lip and where the shoulder begins, our bottle top best matches a documented 1800 bottle.