Pit 76: Level 2
Completed January 18, 2015 by Tim Ritter, Ron Vaughn, Jocelyn and DC Locke, Dean Hunt, and Teresa Mitchell, David and Odess Brinkman. Level 2 remained difficult with the roots and careful shovel/trowel work while looking for features. Odess and Dean each found pipe stems from 1720-1750 and a few pipe bowl pieces were also found. Jocelyn found a huge stoneware piece in the roots of the Confederate Rose. This could be something from before Granby.We also had a large number of nails, window glass, and brick. We finished the level without finding a feature but we were approaching the depth of the previous post hole discoveries.
Pit 76: Level 2 produced: 13 pieces of pottery, 38 pieces of glass, 13 nails, 9 iron pieces, 2 pipe stems, and 3 pipe bowl pieces.