Pit 78: Level 3

Completed on March 28, 2015 by Andrea Robichaud, Luke Lumpkin, Cooper Schroeder, Cross Amore, Matthew Skipper, Miguel Sy, Clover Robichaud, Alex, Tehye Locke, Jocelyn Locke, David and Odess Brinkman, and Naomi. Artifacts increased in level 3 with a nice set of pottery and glass. We also found what looks like another fire pit on the west side of the pit. We will need to look for the continuation of this when we excavate that area in the future. The young energetic dig team still continued working after the dig and completed some much needed yard work. Great job to all these fine young people. In total, Pit 78 gave us 27 pieces of pottery, 46 pieces of glass, 11 nails, and 3 Native American pieces.

Pit 78: Level 3 produced: 13 pieces of pottery, 29 pieces of glass, and 6 nails.