Pit 88: Level 2
Completed on November 27, 2015 by Chris Rodenkirchen, Michael Shriver, Teresa Mitchell, Dean Hunt, Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. We were joined in level 2 by more diggers including metal detecting experts Chris and Michael. It did take much to get them going and they were finding lots of stuff. We didn't realize just how much we were finding until the cleaning phase. Shortly into the start of level 2, Odess and DC found the 14,000 artifact of the dig. You can see the video of this find at this link. As expected in this area (which we believe was the north wall of the Granby house) we were finding high numbers of the architecture category artifacts (brick, nails, and window glass). A really good number of Kitchen pottery were also found and, for the first time, we had a significant number of bones. Three small pipe bowl pieces were also found making Pit 88 look like a potentially great pit if the finds continued into level 3.
Pit 88: Level 2 produced: 27 pieces of pottery, 36 pieces of glass, 12 nails, 1 Native American pieces, and three pipe bowl pieces.
Below: Odess and DC find the 14,000th artifact of the Granby see.