Pit 93: Level 1
Completed on April 16, 2016 by Odess and David Brinkman, Jocelyn and DC Locke. We moved back out on the other side of the fence off Brookcliff Drive for pit 93. This was next to pit 89 which is our 3rd best pit. Level 1 had our typical Colonial period counts for a level 1 but it was extremely difficult with the thick grass and all the modern day artifacts (over 500 of them). It took us 2 hours to complete. Thinking we may get over 200 colonial artifacts today, we decided to clean and count the artifacts for each level so we can record the finding of the dig's 15,000th artifact.
Pit 93: Level 1 produced: 20 pieces of pottery, 9 pieces of glass, 2 nails, 7 Native American pieces.