Pit 94: Level 1
Completed on April 23, 2016 by Odess and David Brinkman. This was a scheduled yard day but, with the nice temperature and low humidity, we decided to also start pit 94. Level one had a tremendous amount of asphalt, concrete, and brick. Most of the brick was modern but a clue came out of this because some brick had concrete attached to it (which we had not seen before). Some of the asphalt also had concrete attached to it and one brick piece had asphalt on it. I think this all points to a failed attempt (in the early 1960's) at building the storm drain which is at the end of Brookcliff drive. We couldn't understand why we were finding so many small broken pieces of modern brick. They may have demolished the first structure and dumped it here. The 1720-1750 pipe is fairly rare for level 1 so this probably means a hole may have been dug to bury the asphalt, brick, and concrete. I think this also proves that the sandstone like material we have been finding in level 1 of the pits is probably concrete.
Pit 94: Level 1 produced: 4 pieces of pottery, 10 pieces of glass, 1 nail, 3 Native American pieces, a 1720-1750 pipe stem and pipe bowl piece.