Pit 97: Level 3
Completed September 18, 2016 by DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. Based on the results of an adjacent pit, we really didn't expect to find much in level 3 but we quickly saw things would be different. Best guess is that the large number of roots in levels 1 and 2 may have pushed artifacts into level 3. Odess found maybe our longest pipe stem segment of the dig. Once again, it was pre-Granby (1720-1750) and the Thomas Brown period. Lots of pottery, nails, and glass came in. A relatively high number of stoneware pieces and low number of window glass pieces continued the pattern in this area where we believe the store-house stood. At the bottom of level 3 were a large number of charcoal pieces. We carefully excavated many of these so that future carbon dating may prove they are from the Thomas Brown period. In the end, another better than average pit. DC Locke found the 16,000th artifact of the dig. For all 3 levels, we took in 40 pieces of pottery, 25 pieces of glass, 23 nails, a bullet, a pipe stem, 7 Native American pieces, and 82 activity (mostly charcoal) artifacts.
Pit 97: Level 3 produced: 27 pieces of pottery, 19 pieces of glass, 18 nails, a 1720-1750 pipe stem, 3 Native American pieces, 3 iron pieces, and 65 pieces of charcoal.
Below: DC finds artifact number 16,000!