Pit 100: Level 1

Completed November 12, 2016 by Kandi Cochran Ready, David Moore, Joe Burch, Noah Cochran, Shane Long, Joseph Ready, Tony Turner, Ken Kyte, Kevin Whaley, Fred Morrison, Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. For the major milestone of 100 pits, we were joined today by the South Carolina Dirt Diggers. We had given a Granby presentation to the group a few months back and they wanted to help in a dig. We started off by giving a museum tour to The State reporter Lezlie Patterson. We then, while Jocelyn and Odess were preparing lunch in the Granby Museum & Pub, started the digging next to pits 93 and 86 which were the 3rd and 4th best pits of the dig. So, we knew we would have a lot to work with today. The Dirt Diggers showed their experience as we quickly moved ahead of schedule. As well as the 100 pit milestone, we were also hoping to find pipe stem number 100 and Dirt Digger Shane Long quickly found and identified it. For that, Shane got the top prize of the day.

Pit 100: Level 1 produced: 7 pieces of pottery, 13 pieces of glass, 4 nails, a mystery object, and the 100th pipe stem of the dig.

Below: DC with the South Carolina Dirt Diggers.