Pit 110: Level 3
Completed on November 21, 2020 by Gary and Sue Kelly, Josephine Bachman, Alicia Ballagh, DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. After lunch, Gary Kelly quickly made the top find of the level when he came across the loop portion of a brass hasp which may have been used as a locking mechanism for something like a jewelry box. The condition of the items was very good considering its age. Another cool find was a rare pristine (no rust) T-headed nail. The reason it survived like this is probably because it was dropped/lost. The making of these nails left an oil on the nail that could preserve it like this if it were never driven into wood. Like in level two, the diversity of artifact types in level three was wide. Overall, this was a very good pit and it comes in with an APR (Artifact Power Rating) that ranks it #29 out of the 110 pits of Granby.
Pit 110: Level 3 produced: 16 pieces of pottery, 28 pieces of glass, 14 nails and seven iron pieces, two Native American pottery pieces, two pipe bowl pieces, a brass hasp loop, and 20 charcoal pieces.

Above: Brass Hasp parts