Pit 11: Level 3

Completed on August 4, 2012 by DC, Dean, Pat, Art, and David. Once again, the nice size team was able to complete the job in short time although the huge artifact count of level 3 did slow us down. That's a problem we like to have. We were taking in artifact after artifact. Thanks to DC, we had one pretty pit at the end. The total counts for pit 11 make it number 1 in brick and number 4 in both pottery and glass (just behind neighbor pits 2, 3, and 9.

Pit 11: Level 3 produced: 20 pieces of pottery, 43 pieces of glass, 8 nails, 7 other iron pieces, and more burned brick. The overall brick take, on pit 11, sets a new record at 524 grams.

Below is a piece of pottery in level 1 that we did not see until DC cleaned up the walls at the end. This shows you how close to the surface some of the pottery items can be. This was a plow zone so the order of items in the soil (before 1960) does not really mean anything.