Pit 122: Level 2

Completed on April 10, 2021 by Kim Masters, Stephany North, Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. The level two artifacts (shown on the level one page) were all wood charcoal and, like in pit 121, the bottom of level two showed the feature of a burned wood post. There was now no question that there had been a wood building here which was burned. Also, at the bottom of level two was that floor water stain like we found in level one and at Fort Congaree II (inside the fort's wall.) This may have been a compacted dirt floor.

Pit 122: Level 2 produced: Multiple features (wood building and hard dirt floor.)

Below: A view of the pit 122 dig through the window in the Granby Museum and Pub.

Below: The brown water stain feature begins to show as well as the wood post in the upper right corner

Below: The south wall shows how charcoal was spread through much of the highly disturbed first levels. I does not end there, however, as we continued to find it through level three. This likely means that the charcoal on the top was thrown here during the excavation of the 1960s carport driveway.