Pit 130: Level 1

Completed on four days in July and August of 2021 by Odess and David Brinkman. After nursing David through the deadly and bedridden phase of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Odess carried out most of Pit 30 while David was still recovering. She did this pit 130 work over several different days. David finally came in at the finish. This pit was just to the west of the driveway in an area where we did not expect to find much. It did, however, produce a nice set of Granby and pre-Granby artifacts, including two pipe stems and a lead musket shot. It was also the first (in 130 pits) where we have seen the soil change from a light color to a dark color. It had always been the opposite. But, just as always, most of the artifacts were found in the dark soil. We ended up going a little deeper than usual because a dark feature remained. At 50cm, the feature contained a pecan fruit. We had enjoyed working under the shade of a pecan tree at this spot. Could this have belonged to this tree or a parent tree? It seems one explanation is that this ground was disturbed in the recent past, which led to the soil being mixed and the lighter soil placed above the dark soil.

In total Pit 130 (all levels) produced: 4 kitchen pottery, 3 stoneware, 8 kitchen glass, 6 window glass, 10 nails, 1 arms, 2 pipe, 57 activity, and 7 Native American.

Out of all the pits in the Granby dig, this pit ranked: 95