Pit 38: Level 3
Completed May 18, 2013 by Miles Sexton, Dean Hunt, Jocy and DC Locke, Odess, Jeremy, and David Brinkman. After 2 weeks of rain and conflicts, we finally got back to finishing pit 38. We had a good crew of diggers and we needed all of them. Jocy found maybe our largest piece of glass and then she and DC found another Colonial Brass button. This one had lettering on the back which turned out to be just "Plated". David found a pipe stem that also had lettering and this proved to be very significant as it identified the maker. This 1720-1750 pipe came all the way from Holland! The artifacts just kept coming and pit 38 broke records in 4 categories. Thanks to the amazing artifact numbers found in level 3, Pit 38 becomes the top pit of the Granby dig. Overall results included: 76 pieces of pottery (breaking the record by 9), 85 pieces of glass (missing the record by 1), 40 nails (breaking the record by 11), 7 Native American pieces (a new record), 3 pipe pieces, and high quantities of brick and charcoal.
Pit 38: Level 3 produced: 52 pieces of pottery, 57 pieces of glass, 25 nails, large number of charcoal pieces, a Colonial Brass button (with lettering), and 1 pipe stem (with lettering).
DC excavating maybe our largest piece of glass.