Pit 55: Level 2 + 3
Completed on December 7, 2013 by the Squires and Knights of Columbus (John Allen, Peter Allen, Tony Allen, Grayson Lewis, Taylor Lewis, Dylan Cambre, Eric Cambre, Azuna Mitchell, Joe Mitchell, Tim Scialdo, Randy Scialdo, John Scialdo, Woodrow St.Pierre, Richard Scialdo), Dean Hunt, and David Brinkman. We setup a tent over pit 55 to complete levels 2 and 3 and then marked pit 56 thinking we would have time to do both pits. It had been raining all night but it seemed like it may have stopped for the day. The boys and fathers arrived about 11AM. We gave a short presentation about the history of the area and what the boys could expect to find in the dig. We headed outside about 11:45 and were surprised by the sudden drop in temperature. We had about 18 people for this dig which is the most we have ever had. It would soon start raining which made it a challenge to complete 2 pits with only 1 tent and 18 people. We decided to complete the pits as single levels to speed things up. Everyone started at pit 55 and the boys quickly caught on to the digging and sifting. The big finds were a hook and a colonial button. Unlike the others we have found, this button appeared to be made of pewter. The Squires did a great job on this first pit and we had trouble breaking them away to eat pizza (courtesy of the Knights of Columbus). Even as the cold rain started coming down, I knew the Squires would have no problem completing another pit today.
Pit 55: Level 2 and 3 produced: 25 pieces of pottery, 41 pieces of glass, 13 nails, a colonial button, 16 pieces of charcoal, and 3 Native American pottery pieces.
Below: A magnified view of the button