Pit 60: Level 2
Completed by DC and Jocie Locke, Debbie Bloom, and Odess and David Brinkman on January 20, 2014. We let the girls start the digging today with Jocie doing level 1 and Debbie doing level 2. Level 2 started off pretty slow and then picked up at the end. Once again, this appeared to be a pit with 2 distinct levels of artifacts probably due to the road construction in 1960 which pushed artifacts from the area of the road on top of the area around the fence. While doing final touches on level 2, David uncovered a pipe stem which had a fresh break (probably from the shovel).
Pit 60: Level 2 produced: 24 pieces of pottery, 35 pieces of glass, 28 nails, 618 grams of brick, 2 pipe pieces, 12 iron pieces, and 4 Native American pottery pieces.
Below: Two possible Native American stone tools