Pit 71: Level 1

Completed on October 26, 2014 by Lynn Jordan Stidom, DC Locke, Fred Morrison, Dean Hunt, Teresa Mitchell, Steven Rougeau, and David and Odess Brinkman. We continued moving west along Brookcliff trying to understand the sudden increase in artifacts that we found in pit 70. Level 1 was not so impressive except for the .31 caliber musket ball found by Dean and a small pipe bowl piece found by Odess. As we dug level 1, we were joined by Fred and a neighbor Lynn Jordan Stidom who grew up in Riverland Park on a property that should have been at the same location as the Granby Town Square. Lynn's family has found many pottery pieces and pipe stems over the years which is what we would expect in a busy Granby area like that. Lynn shared many stories with us about the neighborhood and Granby remnants that are now within the Quarry property. We look forward to checking her family property in the near future.

Pit 71: Level 1 produced: 8 pieces of pottery, 6 pieces of glass, 2 nails, a .31 caliber musket ball, and 1 pipe bowl piece.