Pit 84: Level 3
Completed September 7, 2015 by Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. Pottery and kitchen glass dropped off in level 3 but we continued to get a good number window glass pieces. About halfway into the level, a fire pit feature which was rich in charcoal pieces appeared in the South-west corner of the pit. This continued and was still there at our normal stopping depth of 50cms. Given the depth of the fire pit, this may be another fire from the home/camp of the first Indian trader Thomas Brown. We carefully bagged 2 large charcoal artifacts for possible carbon dating. We sometimes continue past 50cm but the team was tired and all other artifacts had died out several cms before this. In the final cleanup, Odess did manage to find a huge blue shell-edge piece of pottery. Maybe the largest found of this type. In total, Pit 84 gave us 34 pieces of pottery, 83 pieces of glass, 16 nails, 196 pieces of charcoal, and 3 Native American pieces.
Pit 84: Level 3 produced: 8 pieces of pottery, 23 pieces of glass, 1 nail, and 145 pieces of charcoal.
Below: Photo of the fire pit feature at the midway point in level 3