Pit 87: Level 2
Completed November 14, 2015 by Alicia Ballagh, Odess and David Brinkman. Things got interesting in level 2 with many different artifact categories. The first find was our second largest brick piece of the dig. Almost 1Kg. As well as the expected plow scars, the brick also appears to have an original thumb print by the maker. The kitchen pottery really started to show including several green shell-edged pieces. We also found a 1720-1750 pipe stem and a .27 caliber musket ball/shot. As in level 1, there were high numbers of architecture type artifacts.
Pit 87: Level 2 produced: 19 pieces of pottery, 13 pieces of glass, 4 nails, almost 1Kg of brick, a .27 caliber musket ball, and a 1720-1750 pipe stem.
Below: excavation of brick. This was the second largest brick piece found in Granby.