Pit 113: Level 2

Completed December 19, 2020 by Sean Fouste, Adriana Fouste, Teresa Mitchell, Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. Level two continued with similarities to that in level two of the previous pit. We had a significant number of Native American pottery pieces, including a possible cutter. The big difference was a large number of charcoal pieces (236.) The previous pit had a small number of charcoal pieces in level two and a large number in level three. This charcoal was mostly on the east side of the pit where we expected to experience a trench of the 1960s gas line. As we leveled things at the bottom of level two, the trench was exposed in an obvious archaeological feature (a change in soil color.)

Pit 113: Level 2 produced: 12 pieces of pottery, 19 glass, seven nails, 11 iron, one pipe bowl, 14 Native American pottery and tool, and 236 charcoal.

Above: The right side of the pit (east side) shows the obvious archaeological feature of the trench for the gas line.