Pit 115: Level 3
Completed on January 6, 2021, by Sarah, Bernalyn, and Dan Phillips, and Odess and David Brinkman. David arrived about half-way into level three and found Bernalyn was well in control of the digging. As in the case of other pits in this area, a good number of kitchen pottery and glass were found but very little window glass. Small pieces of Native American pottery were also found. Odess found a split pipe-stem and pipe bowl piece. As we approached the bottom of the pit, the soil changed to a sandy yellow. Possible features appeared at that point so we slowly dug to see what would develop. After about another inch, the clear sign of a post hole presented itself in the north-west corner of the pit. Given the fact that little window glass is found in this area, this could be a post hole of Indian trader Thomas Brown's trading post (1735-1747.) We stopped the dig at this point and filled the hole. Odess and Bernalyn then cooked a nice dinner before the Phillips family headed back home.
Pit 115: Level 3 produced: 19 pieces of pottery, 13 glass, a split pipe-stem, one pipe bowl,one slate, 9 Native American pottery, 25 charcoal, two nails, five iron, and a post hole archaeological feature.
Below is post hole feature found at the bottom of level three.