Pit 123: Level 3

Completed on April 24, 2021 by Kim Masters, Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. Level three did not provide any artifacts, but we did, once again for this area, come to a feature that is very similar to what we found at Fort Congaree II. This red/brown flood-like feature may mark a previous ground floor feature. Overall, the older features found in level two and this feature seem to point to the possibility that this was a late 18th or early 19th century slave quarters and not one of the nicer Granby buildings.

Pit 123: Level 3 produced: 3 charcoal.

In total Pit 123 (all levels) produced: 3 kitchen pottery, 4 stoneware, 2 kitchen glass, 2 nails, 1 arms, 54 activity, 15 Native American, and 1 dress.

Out of all the pits in the Granby dig, this pit ranked: 106