Sarah Friday's 1810 Granby Drawing
Below: Nicholas Hane
Nicholas Hane and Gerard Berck - Germany to Granby
The next thing we find (in 1784) is the first of dozens of Charelston newspaper ads (SC Gaz - 6/5/1784) for the store: "Hane and Berck" at 100 Broad Street:
Two years later, they have moved to 207 King Street and there is a change in the business (Charleston Gaz 2/3 and 2/24 1786):
A year later, another address change to 157 King Street and now a big change. Hane and Berck are looking for someone to take them up the Congaree River (Columbian Herald 3/26/1787):
Three years later and we see the final Charleston newspaper reference to Hanes & Berck. The Charleston store is closed and sold (SC Gz 10/21/1790):
Nicholas would spend the rest of his life in Granby (40 years) where he and Gerald would succesfully raise large families and operate stores, next door to each other.
Below: Nicholas Hane's son: Deiderick Hane
Below: The Granby Hane Family
According to the 1800 Census of Granby, a little over half the people in Granby were slaves (170 black slaves and 162 whites). The Census of 1810 shows the Hane's were no different than the average with 7 family members and 7 slaves. Sarah Friday's drawing shows that the Hane's had a Salt House and documentation shows that the Granby Ferry was owned by Nicholas Hane after Wade Hampton gave up on building bridges at Granby around 1800. Below is a common issue you see posted in newspapers during this time. A runaway slave. This one belonged to the Hane's and had been working at the ferry:
Obituary for Nicholas Hane:
SCMAR, Vol. II, Winter 1974, No. 1, p.31
Died at his residence in Granby on Friday evening, the 13th inst., of a lingering illness, Mr. Nicholas Hane, at the venerable age of 81. In the various relations of life, as a husband, father, friend, and master, his conduct was truly exemplary. (Feb. 20, 1829).
Hane home site: Status: Partially buried under a slag pile. Archaeology may be feasible this location on the Quarry property (Click here to see this location on a map)