Post Holes found in Granby dig

Post holes are rare in our Granby dig maybe because the plow-zone goes unusually deep (below 30cm). Never-the-less, we have found 4 post holes and three of them were each 1 yard apart:
Pit 43 - Filled Post-hole from about 35cm to 75cm.
Pit 72 - Decomposed Post-hole from about 33cm to 37cm.
Pit 75 - Decomposed Post-hole from about 33cm to 37cm.
Pit 76 - Filled Post-hole from about 35cm to 36cm and Decomposed from 50cm to 55cm.
Pit 79 - Filled Post-hole and wall from 40cm to 50cm. We stopped at 50cms.
Pit 89 - Rectangular post feature at 49cm but also, possibly, an overdig into a previously completed pit (#91).
Pit 91 - Obvious post hole and large rectangular feature (maybe an overdig.)
Pit 92 - Large rectangular feature (maybe an overdig.)
Pit 93 - Multiple rectangular features starting at 40cm.
Pit 96 - Multiple rectangular features. Some could be an overdig into a previously completed pit (#58).
Pit 103 - Burned post or fire pit
Pit 104 - Post-hole
Pit 113 - Post hole feature at 50cm. Before that, the gas line trench feature.
Pit 114 - A preserved wood post below the 50cm depth!
Pit 115 - Post-hole
Pit 116 - Unidentified Feature
Pit 120 - 1960s Gas-line Feature
Pit 121 - Multiple burned wood structures and hard floor features.
Pit 122 - Multiple burned wood structures and hard floor features.
Pit 125 - Unidentified Feature
Pit 126 - Post-hole
Pit 127 - Two Post-holes and 1960s Gas-line Feature
Pit 129 - 1960s Gas-line Feature
Pit 130 - Unidentified Feature
Pit 132 - Post-hole and Unidentified Feature
Below is a picture of the post holes from pit 72, 75, 76, and 79.

Below is an update showing a three post line with the new found post hole of Pit 132.

Below is a picture of the perpendicular line these two post holes create which points to the location of Friday's Ferry Landing site.