Published Artifact Comparison to first 100 Granby pits

Artifact Group Revised Carolina Revised Frontier Carolina Slave Public Interact Charleston Dual Funct Charleston Townhse Lot 92, Saxe Gotha Granby (2012-2016, 100 pits)
Kitchen 51.8 - 65.0% 35.5 - 43.8% 70.9 - 84.2% 35.5 - 52.0% 63.10% 58.38% 43.50% 39.58%
Architecture 25.2 - 31.4% 41.6 - 43.0% 11.8 - 24.8% 41.6 - 48.3% 25.03% 36.00% 19.80% 30.62%
Furniture 0.2 - 0.6% 0.1 - 1.3% 0.10% 0.08% 0.21% 0% 0.05%
Arms 0.1 - 0.3% 1.4 - 8.9% 0.1 - 0.3% 0.20% 0.32% 4.10% 0.19%
Clothing 0.6 - 5.4% 0.3 - 1.6% 0.3 - 0.8% 1.18% 0.91% 0.60% 0.20%
Personal 0.2 - 0.5% 0.10% 0.10% 0.14% 0.24% 0% 0.04%
Tobacco 1.9 - 13.9% 1.3 - 14.0% 2.4 - 5.4% 5.97% 2.79% 11.90% 1.47%
Activities 0.9 - 1.7% 0.5 - 5.4% 0.2 - 0.9% 4.14% 1.10% 19.30% 27.84%

Breakdown of Granby artifacts into the above categories

Kitchen (6537) is made up of stoneware, kitchen pottery, kitchen glass, and Native American items minus activity tools/points below (540-10). See stats page.

Architecture (5057) is made up of window glass, nails, and post holes . See stats page.

Furniture (8):
-Brass Tacks found in pits 33 and 39.
-Stock lock tumbler in pit 37.
-Iron decorative piece in pit 43.
-Barrel hoops (4) in pits 49, 56, and 73.

Arms (31):
-Musket balls/shots(22) See Shots and Balls.. Bullets/shells(4) in pits 7, 27, 28, and 87, and 97.
-Gun barrel(1) in pit 34.

Clothing (33):
-Buttons, tacks (15): See Buttons.
-Indigo cloth(8) in pits 43 and 46.
-Buckles(4): See Buckles.
-Bead(2) in pit 41 and 60.
-Mule shoe(1) in pit 22.
-Leather(2) in pit 47 and 88.
-Latch(1) in pit 62.

Personal (7):
-Badge(1): See Buttons.
-Jews harps(2) in pits 51 and 67.
-Jewelry(4) in pits 19, 51, and 68.

Tobacco (243) is made up of pipe stems and pipe bowl pieces. See stats page.

Activity (4598):
-Charcoal, slate, slag, flint, and miscellaneous iron pieces (4588). See stats page.
-Native American points(3). See Indian Arrowheads.
-Native American tools(7): Scrappers in pits 43, 47, 50, 56, and 89. Nutting stones in 60.